
Obtain the auth token of the user


Field Type Description
method string "Login"
parameters object[] An object with data for the method
email string User email
password string User password

Request example




Field Type Description
success boolean Indicates if successfull
response object[] An object containing the response data
token string Authorization token
user object[] Logged user basic information
error string Error message

Response success example



Response error example




Gets a list of profiles for the logged user


Field Type Description
Authorization string "Bearer " + Authentication token which was received as the result of Auth.Login method.


Field Type Description
method string "GetProfiles"

Request example




Field Type Description
success boolean Indicates if successfull
response object[] An object containing the response data
profiles object[] List of profile objects
error string Error message

Response success example



Response error example




Gets a list of stages of selected profile


Field Type Description
Authorization string "Bearer " + Authentication token which was received as the result of Auth.Login method.


Field Type Description
method string "GetStages"
parameters object[] An object with data for the method
profile_id integer The id of the profile

Request example




Field Type Description
success boolean Indicates if successfull
response object[] An object containing the response data
stages object[] List of stage objects
error string Error message

Response success example



Response error example




Gets a list of valid countries


Field Type Description
Authorization string "Bearer " + Authentication token which was received as the result of Auth.Login method.


Field Type Description
method string "GetCountries"

Request example




Field Type Description
success boolean Indicates if successfull
response object[] An object containing the response data
countries object[] List of countries
error string Error message

Response success example



Response error example




Gets a list of states of selected country


Field Type Description
Authorization string "Bearer " + Authentication token which was received as the result of Auth.Login method.


Field Type Description
method string "GetStates"
parameters object[] An object with data for the method
country string The code of the country

Request example




Field Type Description
success boolean Indicates if successfull
response object[] An object containing the response data
country MX Code of country
states object[] List of states
error string Error message

Response success example



Response error example




Gets a list of users


Field Type Description
Authorization string "Bearer " + Authentication token which was received as the result of Auth.Login method.


Field Type Description
method string "GetUsers"
parameters object[] An object with data for the method
profile_id integer The id of the profile

Request example




Field Type Description
success boolean Indicates if successfull
response object[] An object containing the response data
users object[] List of user objects
error string Error message

Response success example



Response error example




Gets a list of companies for selected profile


Field Type Description
Authorization string "Bearer " + Authentication token which was received as the result of Auth.Login method.


Field Type Description
method string "GetCompanies"
parameters object[] An object with data for the method
profile_id integer The id of the profile
company_type array[] An array of company_type ids. Obtained from the Companies.GetTypes method
company_industry array[] An array of company_industry ids. Obtained from the Companies.GetIndustries method
created_at object[] An object containing the creation date ranges
from string The min created at date of the company. Use format DD/MM/YY
to string The max created at date of the company. Use format DD/MM/YY
with_inputs boolean Indicates if we want to include input information for each company
with_contacts boolean Indicates if we want to include contact information for each company
with_addresses boolean Indicates if we want to include disclosed address information for each company
query string Search query string
pagination integer Number of items to paginate. Default is 500
page integer Add this if you want to start on a specific page

Request example




Field Type Description
success boolean Indicates if successfull
response object[] An object containing the response data
total integer Total number of opportunity objects
current_page integer Current results page of opportunity objects
last_page integer Last results page of opportunity objects
companies object[] List of company objects
error string Error message

Response success example



Response error example




Gets a list of company types of selected profile


Field Type Description
Authorization string "Bearer " + Authentication token which was received as the result of Auth.Login method.


Field Type Description
method string "GetTypes"
parameters object[] An object with data for the method
profile_id integer The id of the profile

Request example




Field Type Description
success boolean Indicates if successfull
response object[] An object containing the response data
types object[] List of type objects
error string Error message

Response success example



Response error example




Gets a list of industries of selected profile


Field Type Description
Authorization string "Bearer " + Authentication token which was received as the result of Auth.Login method.


Field Type Description
method string "GetIndustries"
parameters object[] An object with data for the method
profile_id integer The id of the profile

Request example




Field Type Description
success boolean Indicates if successfull
response object[] An object containing the response data
industries object[] List of industry objects
error string Error message

Response success example



Response error example




Gets a list of company inputs of selected profile


Field Type Description
Authorization string "Bearer " + Authentication token which was received as the result of Auth.Login method.


Field Type Description
method string "GetInputs"
parameters object[] An object with data for the method
profile_id integer The id of the profile

Request example




Field Type Description
success boolean Indicates if successfull
response object[] An object containing the response data
inputs object[] List of input objects
error string Error message

Response success example



Response error example




Creates a Company


Field Type Description
Authorization string "Bearer " + Authentication token which was received as the result of Auth.Login method.


Field Type Description
method string "CreateCompany"
parameters object[] An object with data for the method
profile_id integer The id of the profile
name string The name of the Company
type_id integer The id of the company type
industry_id integer The id of the company industry
website string The website of the company
phone string The phone of the company
billing_name string The billing name of the company
rfc string The rfc of the company
shipping_address object[] An object containing the shipping address of the company
country string The country code. Obtained from the Profiles.GetCountries method
state string The state code. Obtained from the Profiles.GetStates method
street string The street address
number string The number of the house
interior_number string The interior number if any
zip string The zip code
suburb string The suburb if any
city string The city
latitude string The latitude coordinate
longitude string The longitude coordinate
billing_address object[] An object containing the billing address of the company
country string The country code. Obtained from the Profiles.GetCountries method
state string The state code. Obtained from the Profiles.GetStates method
street string The street address
number string The number of the house
interior_number string The interior number if any
zip string The zip code
suburb string The suburb if any
city string The city
latitude string The latitude coordinate
longitude string The longitude coordinate

Request example




Field Type Description
success boolean Indicates if successfull
response object[] An object containing the response data
company object[] An object containing the company data
error string Error message

Response success example



Response error example




Get a company by search


Field Type Description
Authorization string "Bearer " + Authentication token which was received as the result of Auth.Login method.


Field Type Description
method string "GetCompany"
parameters object[] An object with data for the method
profile_id integer The id of the profile
search_by string The value type we are gonna use to search for the company. Supported options: 'id' or 'client_number'
search_value string The value that we are gonna use to search for our company

Request example




Field Type Description
success boolean Indicates if successfull
response object[] An object containing the response data
company object[] Company object
error string Error message

Response success example



Response error example




Gets a list of contacts for selected profile


Field Type Description
Authorization string "Bearer " + Authentication token which was received as the result of Auth.Login method.


Field Type Description
method string "GetContacts"
parameters object[] An object with data for the method
profile_id integer The id of the profile
company_id integer The id of the company
origin_id array[] An array of origin ids. Obtained from the Contacts.GetOrigins method
title_id array[] An array of title ids. Obtained from the Contacts.GetTitles method
position_id array[] An array of position ids. Obtained from the Contacts.GetPositions method
department_id array[] An array of department ids. Obtained from the Contacts.GetDepartments method
created_at object[] An object containing the creation date ranges
from string The min created at date of the company. Use format DD/MM/YY
to string The max created at date of the company. Use format DD/MM/YY
with_inputs boolean Indicates if we want to include input information for each company
with_addresses boolean Indicates if we want to include disclosed address information for each company
query string Search query string
pagination integer Number of items to paginate. Default is 500
page integer Add this if you want to start on a specific page

Request example




Field Type Description
success boolean Indicates if successfull
response object[] An object containing the response data
total integer Total number of opportunity objects
current_page integer Current results page of opportunity objects
last_page integer Last results page of opportunity objects
contacts object[] List of contact objects
error string Error message

Response success example



Response error example




Gets a list of contact origins of selected profile


Field Type Description
Authorization string "Bearer " + Authentication token which was received as the result of Auth.Login method.


Field Type Description
method string "GetOrigins"
parameters object[] An object with data for the method
profile_id integer The id of the profile

Request example




Field Type Description
success boolean Indicates if successfull
response object[] An object containing the response data
origins object[] List of origin objects
error string Error message

Response success example



Response error example




Gets a list of titles of selected profile


Field Type Description
Authorization string "Bearer " + Authentication token which was received as the result of Auth.Login method.


Field Type Description
method string "GetTitles"
parameters object[] An object with data for the method
profile_id integer The id of the profile

Request example




Field Type Description
success boolean Indicates if successfull
response object[] An object containing the response data
titles object[] List of title objects
error string Error message

Response success example



Response error example




Gets a list of departments of selected profile


Field Type Description
Authorization string "Bearer " + Authentication token which was received as the result of Auth.Login method.


Field Type Description
method string "GetDepartments"
parameters object[] An object with data for the method
profile_id integer The id of the profile

Request example




Field Type Description
success boolean Indicates if successfull
response object[] An object containing the response data
departments object[] List of department objects
error string Error message

Response success example



Response error example




Gets a list of positions of selected profile


Field Type Description
Authorization string "Bearer " + Authentication token which was received as the result of Auth.Login method.


Field Type Description
method string "GetPositions"
parameters object[] An object with data for the method
profile_id integer The id of the profile

Request example




Field Type Description
success boolean Indicates if successfull
response object[] An object containing the response data
positions object[] List of position objects
error string Error message

Response success example



Response error example




Gets a list of contact inputs of selected profile


Field Type Description
Authorization string "Bearer " + Authentication token which was received as the result of Auth.Login method.


Field Type Description
method string "GetInputs"
parameters object[] An object with data for the method
profile_id integer The id of the profile

Request example




Field Type Description
success boolean Indicates if successfull
response object[] An object containing the response data
inputs object[] List of input objects
error string Error message

Response success example



Response error example




Creates a Contact


Field Type Description
Authorization string "Bearer " + Authentication token which was received as the result of Auth.Login method.


Field Type Description
method string "CreateContact"
parameters object[] An object with data for the method
profile_id integer The id of the profile
company_id integer The id of the company this contact belongs to
name string The name of the Contact
surname string The surname of the Contact
mother_surname string The mother surname of the Contact
title_id integer The id of the contact title
origin_id integer The id of the contact origin
position_id integer The id of the contact position
department_id integer The id of the contact department
phone_office string The phone of the contact's office
phone_office_extension string The phone extension of the contact's office
phone_mobile string The mobile phone of the contact
phone_other string Another phone of the contact
email string The email of the contact
skype string The skype of the contact
linkedin string The linkedin of the contact
twitter string The twitter of the contact
shipping_address object[] An object containing the shipping address of the contact
country string The country code. Obtained from the Profiles.GetCountries method
state string The state code. Obtained from the Profiles.GetStates method
street string The street address
number string The number of the house
interior_number string The interior number if any
zip string The zip code
suburb string The suburb if any
city string The city
latitude string The latitude coordinate
longitude string The longitude coordinate
billing_address object[] An object containing the billing address of the contact
country string The country code. Obtained from the Profiles.GetCountries method
state string The state code. Obtained from the Profiles.GetStates method
street string The street address
number string The number of the house
interior_number string The interior number if any
zip string The zip code
suburb string The suburb if any
city string The city
latitude string The latitude coordinate
longitude string The longitude coordinate
assistant object[] An object containing the contact's assistant information
name string The assistant's name
surname string The assistant's surname
mother_surname string The assistant's mother surname
phone_office string The office phone number
phone_office_extension string The office phone number extension if any
email string The email
skype string The skype account
linkedin string The linkedin account

Request example




Field Type Description
success boolean Indicates if successfull
response object[] An object containing the response data
contact object[] An object containing the contact data
error string Error message

Response success example



Response error example




Gets a contact by search


Field Type Description
Authorization string "Bearer " + Authentication token which was received as the result of Auth.Login method.


Field Type Description
method string "GetContact"
parameters object[] An object with data for the method
profile_id integer The id of the profile
company_id integer The id of the company
search_by string The value type we are gonna use to search for the contact. Supported options: 'id' or 'email'
search_value string The value that we are gonna use to search for our contact

Request example




Field Type Description
success boolean Indicates if successfull
response object[] An object containing the response data
contact object[] An object containing the contact data
error string Error message

Response success example



Response error example




Gets a list of products


Field Type Description
Authorization string "Bearer " + Authentication token which was received as the result of Auth.Login method.


Field Type Description
method string "GetProducts"
parameters object[] An object with data for the method
profile_id integer The id of the profile
with_inputs boolean Indicates if we want to include input information for each product

Request example




Field Type Description
success boolean Indicates if successfull
response object[] An object containing the response data
products object[] List of product objects
error string Error message

Response success example



Response error example




Gets a list of categories


Field Type Description
Authorization string "Bearer " + Authentication token which was received as the result of Auth.Login method.


Field Type Description
method string "GetCategories"
parameters object[] An object with data for the method
profile_id integer The id of the profile

Request example




Field Type Description
success boolean Indicates if successfull
response object[] An object containing the response data
categories object[] List of category objects
error string Error message

Response success example



Response error example




Gets a list of validities


Field Type Description
Authorization string "Bearer " + Authentication token which was received as the result of Auth.Login method.


Field Type Description
method string "GetValidities"
parameters object[] An object with data for the method
profile_id integer The id of the profile

Request example




Field Type Description
success boolean Indicates if successfull
response object[] An object containing the response data
validities object[] List of validity objects
error string Error message

Response success example



Response error example




Gets a list of discounts


Field Type Description
Authorization string "Bearer " + Authentication token which was received as the result of Auth.Login method.


Field Type Description
method string "GetDiscounts"
parameters object[] An object with data for the method
profile_id integer The id of the profile

Request example




Field Type Description
success boolean Indicates if successfull
response object[] An object containing the response data
discounts object[] List of discount objects
error string Error message

Response success example



Response error example




Gets a list of measures


Field Type Description
Authorization string "Bearer " + Authentication token which was received as the result of Auth.Login method.


Field Type Description
method string "GetMeasures"
parameters object[] An object with data for the method
profile_id integer The id of the profile

Request example




Field Type Description
success boolean Indicates if successfull
response object[] An object containing the response data
measures object[] List of measure objects
error string Error message

Response success example



Response error example




Gets a list of taxes


Field Type Description
Authorization string "Bearer " + Authentication token which was received as the result of Auth.Login method.


Field Type Description
method string "GetTaxes"
parameters object[] An object with data for the method
profile_id integer The id of the profile

Request example




Field Type Description
success boolean Indicates if successfull
response object[] An object containing the response data
taxes object[] List of tax objects
error string Error message

Response success example



Response error example




Gets a list of inputs


Field Type Description
Authorization string "Bearer " + Authentication token which was received as the result of Auth.Login method.


Field Type Description
method string "GetInputs"
parameters object[] An object with data for the method
profile_id integer The id of the profile

Request example




Field Type Description
success boolean Indicates if successfull
response object[] An object containing the response data
inputs object[] List of input objects
error string Error message

Response success example



Response error example




Creates a Product


Field Type Description
Authorization string "Bearer " + Authentication token which was received as the result of Auth.Login method.


Field Type Description
method string "CreateProduct"
parameters object[] An object with data for the method
profile_id integer The id of the profile
name string The name of the product
short_name string The short name of the product
value float The value of the product
sku string The sku of the product
description string The description of the product
profile_currency_type_id string The id of the currency type
product_discount_id string The id of the discount
product_validity_id string The id of the validity
product_measury_id string The id of the measury
product_category_id string The id of the category
taxes array An array of ids for the taxes
inputs object[] An object containing the values of the inputs in key: value format where the key is the slug of the input and the value is the value of the input

Request example




Field Type Description
success boolean Indicates if successfull
response object[] An object containing the response data
product object[] An object containing the product data
error string Error message

Response success example



Response error example




Edits a Product


Field Type Description
Authorization string "Bearer " + Authentication token which was received as the result of Auth.Login method.


Field Type Description
method string "EditProduct"
parameters object[] An object with data for the method
profile_id integer The id of the profile
product_id integer The id of the product
name string The name of the product
short_name string The short name of the product
value float The value of the product
sku string The sku of the product
description string The description of the product
profile_currency_type_id string The id of the currency type
product_discount_id string The id of the discount
product_validity_id string The id of the validity
product_measury_id string The id of the measury
product_category_id string The id of the category
taxes array An array of ids for the taxes
inputs object[] An object containing the values of the inputs in key: value format where the key is the slug of the input and the value is the value of the input

Request example




Field Type Description
success boolean Indicates if successfull
response object[] An object containing the response data
product object[] An object containing the product data
error string Error message

Response success example



Response error example




Gets a list of opportunity inputs of selected profile


Field Type Description
Authorization string "Bearer " + Authentication token which was received as the result of Auth.Login method.


Field Type Description
method string "GetInputs"
parameters object[] An object with data for the method
profile_id integer The id of the profile

Request example




Field Type Description
success boolean Indicates if successfull
response object[] An object containing the response data
inputs object[] List of input objects
error string Error message

Response success example



Response error example




Gets a list of opportunities for selected profile


Field Type Description
Authorization string "Bearer " + Authentication token which was received as the result of Auth.Login method.


Field Type Description
method string "GetOpportunities"
parameters object[] An object with data for the method
profile_id integer The id of the profile
user_id integer The id of the user
status string The status of the opportunity. Supported options: 'active', 'pending', 'won' or 'lost'
contact_type string The contact type of the opportunity. Supported options: 'new' or 'existing'
operation_type string The operation type of the opportunity. Supported options: 'new' or 'renew'
stage array[] An array of stage ids. . Obtained from the Profiles.GetStages method
contact_origin array[] An array of contat_origin ids. Obtained from the Contacts.GetOrigins method
company_industry array[] An array of company_industry ids. Obtained from the Companies.GetIndustries method
value object[] An object containing the value ranges
from string The min value of the opportunity
to string The max value of the opportunity
created_at object[] An object containing the creation date ranges
from string The min created at date of the opportunity. Use format DD/MM/YY
to string The max created at date of the opportunity. Use format DD/MM/YY
estimated_end_at object[] An object containing the estimated end date ranges
from string The min estimated end date of the opportunity. Use format DD/MM/YY
to string The max estimated end date of the opportunity. Use format DD/MM/YY
closed_at object[] An object containing the closed at date ranges
from string The min closed at date of the opportunity. Use format DD/MM/YY
to string The max closed at date of the opportunity. Use format DD/MM/YY
with_user boolean Indicates if we want to include user information for each opportunity
with_company boolean Indicates if we want to include company information for each opportunity
with_contact boolean Indicates if we want to include contact information for each opportunity
with_products boolean Indicates if we want to include product information for each opportunity
with_inputs boolean Indicates if we want to include input information for each opportunity
query string Search query string
pagination integer Number of items to paginate. Default is 500
page integer Add this if you want to start on a specific page

Request example




Field Type Description
success boolean Indicates if successfull
response object[] An object containing the response data
total integer Total number of opportunity objects
current_page integer Current results page of opportunity objects
last_page integer Last results page of opportunity objects
opportunities object[] List of opportunity objects
error string Error message

Response success example



Response error example




Creates an Opportunity


Field Type Description
Authorization string "Bearer " + Authentication token which was received as the result of Auth.Login method.


Field Type Description
method string "CreateOpportunity"
parameters object[] An object with data for the method
profile_id integer The id of the profile
user_id integer The id of the user that will own the opportunity
title string The title of the opportunity
value float The value of the opportunity
estimated_end_at string The estimated end date of the opportunity. Use format DD/MM/YY
prospect_type string The prospect type of the opportunity. Supported options: 'new' or 'existing'
operation_type string The operation type of the opportunity. Supported options: 'new' or 'renew'
stage_id integer The id of the stage the opportunity will be created at
company_id integer The id of the company the opportunity will be created for
contact_id integer The id of the contact the opportunity will be created for. The contact must belong to the company selected
campaign_id string The id of the campaign the opportunity will be created for
want_products boolean Indicates if the opportunity has products or not
want_tax boolean Indicates if the opportunity products will have tax or not
products object[] An object containing the information of the products
product_id integer The id of the product
amount integer The amount of products that the opportunity contains
price float The price for each unit of the product
discount float The discount applied for each product
tax float Amount or percentage of the tax applied to the product. from 0.00 to 1.00
total float The total amount for this product
notify boolean Indicates if we want a notification to be sent to the user
comment string The comment that will be sent on the notification

Request example




Field Type Description
success boolean Indicates if successfull
response object[] An object containing the response data
opportunity object[] An object containing the opportunity data
error string Error message

Response success example



Response error example




Gets an opportunity


Field Type Description
Authorization string "Bearer " + Authentication token which was received as the result of Auth.Login method.


Field Type Description
method string "GetOpportunity"
parameters object[] An object with data for the method
profile_id integer The id of the profile
opportunity_id integer The id of the opportunity
with_user boolean Indicates if we want to include user information
with_company boolean Indicates if we want to include company information
with_contact boolean Indicates if we want to include contact information
with_products boolean Indicates if we want to include product information
with_inputs boolean Indicates if we want to include input information

Request example




Field Type Description
success boolean Indicates if successfull
response object[] An object containing the response data
opportunity object[] Opportunity object
error string Error message

Response success example



Response error example




Gets a list of tickets for selected profile


Field Type Description
Authorization string "Bearer " + Authentication token which was received as the result of Auth.Login method.


Field Type Description
method string "GetTickets"
parameters object[] An object with data for the method
profile_id integer The id of the profile

Request example




Field Type Description
success boolean Indicates if successfull
response object[] An object containing the response data
tickets object[] List of tickets objects
error string Error message

Response success example



Response error example




Gets a list of tickets origins of selected profile


Field Type Description
Authorization string "Bearer " + Authentication token which was received as the result of Auth.Login method.


Field Type Description
method string "GetOrigins"
parameters object[] An object with data for the method
profile_id integer The id of the profile

Request example




Field Type Description
success boolean Indicates if successfull
response object[] An object containing the response data
origins object[] List of origin objects
error string Error message

Response success example



Response error example




Gets a list of tickets cases of selected profile


Field Type Description
Authorization string "Bearer " + Authentication token which was received as the result of Auth.Login method.


Field Type Description
method string "GetCases"
parameters object[] An object with data for the method
profile_id integer The id of the profile

Request example




Field Type Description
success boolean Indicates if successfull
response object[] An object containing the response data
cases object[] List of cases objects
error string Error message

Response success example



Response error example




Gets a list of tickets priorities of selected profile


Field Type Description
Authorization string "Bearer " + Authentication token which was received as the result of Auth.Login method.


Field Type Description
method string "GetPriorities"
parameters object[] An object with data for the method
profile_id integer The id of the profile

Request example




Field Type Description
success boolean Indicates if successfull
response object[] An object containing the response data
priorities object[] List of priorities objects
error string Error message

Response success example



Response error example




Creates a ticket


Field Type Description
Authorization string "Bearer " + Authentication token which was received as the result of Auth.Login method.


Field Type Description
method string "CreateTicket"
parameters object[] An object with data for the method
profile_id integer The id of the profile
title string The title of the ticket
description string The description of the ticket
company_id integer The id of the company the ticket will be created for
contact_id integer The id of the contact the ticket will be created for. The contact must belong to the company selected
opportunity_id integer The id of the opportunity linked to the ticket
user_id integer The id of the user that will own the ticket
origin_id integer The id of the ticket origin
case_id integer The id of the ticket case
priority_id integer The id of the ticket priority
estimated_end_at string The estimated end date of the ticket. Use format YYYY-MM-DD
notify boolean Indicates if we want a notification to be sent to the user
comment string The comment that will be sent on the notification

Request example




Field Type Description
success boolean Indicates if successfull
response object[] An object containing the response data
ticket object[] An object containing the ticket data
error string Error message

Response success example



Response error example

